About me

Hello, beautiful people!


I am Hanna Hrynkevich. I am a portrait, family and documentary photographer. I was born in 1990 in Minsk (Belarus) and currently live in Aarhus (Denmark).


My main professional interests are quite wide due to my background and are primarily based on psychological portraits, documentary photography, and post-photography. 


The majority of my photos are black-and-white. I have chosen this style because it is associated with honesty, which is my principal value in life. Honesty is always appealing and exceptional. So, my camera captures and saves magnificence in different forms, states and meanings. And it is precisely why I love photography – immortality.


I also strongly believe all people are beautiful. My goal as a photographer is to be able to see and highlight this beauty (in the deepest meaning of such a definition). Thus, I never do deep retouching, where a picture strays from reality. Complimentary light, focus on a person and real interest are my main tools.


Thank you for your interest in my work! If you are looking for a professional photographer in Denmark – please contact me at anu.grin@gmail.com or call +45 91 62 44 00.